Handling The Stress of a Pandemic (During Winter!)
Winter is here, holidays are over, the pandemic continues. We are now approaching one full year of our world being very different. Warmer months felt more doable because we could be outside more with our kids and even with friends and family. As the cold set in and numbers surged, indoors became our reality. We miss connecting with others the most.
All of this can lead to extra stress and take a toll on our mental health. There are some great ways to cope though!
A Healthy Diet
We have all heard this a million times but it DOES HELP! Stick to whole foods if you can. There is no better time than now to try out some fun recipes. Be sure to drink a lot of water, 64 ounces per day is the goal. Add vitamin D, magnesium and a quality fish oil to your daily routine. We love Nordic Naturals at Health Foundations!
In the winter, we tend to go inward and spend more time inside but chances are you have already been doing a lot of that the past year due to the pandemic. Try and move your body 30 minutes every day. It doesn’t have to be a work out video every time. Turn on some music and have a dance party! The music will likely lift your mood too!
Get Outside!
Yes, it may be chilly out there but the fresh air and sun (if it is shining) will do you good! Try and set a goal with this. Maybe every day that it is 20 degrees or warmer, you make a promise to yourself to go outside for a brisk walk. Kids need to get outside too! Sledding, ice skating, and winter bonfires are some fun ideas. Being outside is also a safe option to see friends if you can maintain 6 feet of distance.
Take a Drive
There is not a ton to do outside of the house these days but we still need a change in scenery. Take a drive! Maybe stop and grab your favorite hot beverage and just drive around. If you have kids, they will probably appreciate it as well!
Change Your Routine
The monotony of our days can make us feel crazy! Especially if you are working from home and/or have kids doing virtual school. Try and mix it up a little if you can. Maybe it’s getting up a little early to do a quick meditation. Or during your break do a 20 minute exercise to get the blood flowing!