Boy or girl?
a sneak peek at your baby’s gender
Sneakpeek dna test
Finding out the sex of your baby can be such an exciting, life-changing moments. Experience that moment with ease and peace of mind.
Our quick, safe, and effective in-office SneakPeek DNA test delivers accurate results as early as six weeks so you can get to know your baby a little better.
Early, Accurate Detection
Sneak-Peek gender tests are trusted by parents and the medical community.
Safely Administered
Your gender test, which is a simple lab draw, is performed by a registered nurse.
24-48 Hours Response Time
An email will be sent with the final results within two days!
Your Gender Test Questions Answered
How does the SneakPeek Test work?
The SneakPeek test uses the presence or absence of DNA in the mother’s blood sample. If the test detects male chromosomes, it means you’re having a boy. No male chromosomes? You’re having a girl!
How accurate is SneakPeek?
SneakPeek results are 99.9% accurate. What makes us so sure? Read a recent study published by the International Journal of Pregnancy & Child Birth on the test’s accuracy!
How do I know if I’m six weeks pregnant?
It’s easy! Before scheduling your test, our team will ask specific questions to determine the date of conception. This will help ensure you’re taking the test at the right time.
Time to Find Out!
968 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: (651) 895-2520
Email: frontdesk@twincitiesbc.com
Do I want to know the sex of my baby?
The answer is ultimately up to you! Some parents like to know ahead of time and can’t wait to find out! Others prefer to be surprised at birth, savoring the expectations through pregnancy.
Don’t worry about what other people think - this time is yours and yours alone; you deserve to do it your way. It’s a big decision, so take your time.